In an article published November 25, 2014, in the Texas Tribune "For Rep.-Elect Molly White, Abortion Changed Everything." Rep.-Elect Molly White talks about how she feels that abortion is not safe that cause damages physically, as well as mentally.
Rep- Elect Molly White is using the dangers of abortion and birth control pills as part of her strategy to educate as many Texans as she can on her views on reproductive health. Part of her argument is that: "We are women and we are designed to give birth, we're designed to nurture, we're designed to bond. It's just nature," said White. Though the statement White made may be true, we as women still have a right to do as we may please with our bodies. And to take a right that we have as citizens, voters, tax payers and women away because a few women feel that it is not a safe procedure, or may have had bad experiences or even botched procedures does not constitute them to take this freedom away from EVERY woman. I myself am not for or against abortions. I don't believe that abortions should be used as a form of birth control, but I do believe there are cases where abortions are necessary. If banning abortions all together, what other options are there going to be?
In the article, Rep.-Elect went on to talk about the experiences she had when she herself had two abortions by explaining that after her abortions she not only suffered mentally and physically, she also experienced, cervical damage, a hysterectomy, drug and alcohol abuse and suicidal thoughts. The experiences that she (Rep. Elect White) had to endure are horrible and can leave a lasting effect on someone, but there are a number of procedure that can also cause these same horrible effects.
Does White honestly believe that someone who does not want to be pregnant or may not have the means of taking care of child want to continue on with a pregnancy, which could cause them more detriment? Yes, adoption is an option, but why make a women go thru that kind of torture knowing they are carrying a child that they didn't want in the first place? That too can cause a lot of mental stress, or even cause the mother to do things that will cause harm to not just herself, but the unborn fetus as well.
I believe that Rep.-Elect has taken her own personal experiences with abortions to the extreme and has not thought about the other outcomes that can come out of not allowing women to have a say so in what they can do with their bodies. If she feels that abortions cause so many problems are unsafe, why doesn't she try and hold a board meeting with doctor's to come up with ways of making this procedure more safe for women? Just my opinion. Let the public be heard versus just those who are in a particular seat.
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